Sunday 29 September 2013

What is an atom?
An atom is the smallest part of an element which takes part in chemical reaction.
an atom

An atom has 3 subatomic particles they are Proton(p+),neutron which makes nucleus and electron(e-)
An atom is electrically neutral because there are the same number of positive and negetive particles which are electron and proton. Neutron is electrically neutral and help in not repulsing proton in nucleus because they have same charge.

Shells or Orbit.
These shells are fixed and on which electron revolve they have fixed amount of energy and different radius. There are 4 shells they are K,L,M,N.
These shells are further divided into subshells which are s,p,d,f,g.
there are some limit to store electron in them and can be calculated by formula 2n*n
there filling is by law of filling of subshell this is represented in below figure.
and fig of subshellis below.
fig of subshell below.

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